Since I’ve Been Gone

Blue Lagoon, Iceland

It’s been about a year since I’ve posted, but I’m thinking this might be a good opportunity to get my creative juices flowing. Break the routine. Write something besides an email sent in the throes of a never-ending to-do list for work. The truth is, I haven’t traveled nearly as much as I would have … Continue reading

Great American Road-Trip Map

As a New Yorker, constantly trapped between traffic and development, one of my most frequent escapist fantasies has always been to go cross-country. Nothing but the highway furiously unfurling before me, not an apartment building in sight, only the promise of odd roadside attractions, national forests, greasy spoon diners, historical landmarks, and the freedom of … Continue reading

Lonely Planet Thai Phrasebook Will Save Your Life

Let’s face it – when you travel, it’s usually not the mundane, practical phrases you want to know. “How much is that?” “Where is the bathroom?” “Please take me here”. Boooooring. We often run into situations that guidebooks and phrasebooks do not prepare us for. Life isn’t all about asking people for directions and bathroom locations in nuanced … Continue reading

5 Reasons to Work Out While Traveling

Let me preface this by saying that if it starts to sound patronizing, then forget the intro and cut straight down to the reasons. I’m not here to tell you that working out is fun. It’s not. I hate the amount of staunch self-motivation required to even put on a pair of gym pants, but … Continue reading

Weekend Reads & Ship Passing Through Panama Canal Lock Video on Jaunted

A few days ago, I posted my Tips for Small-Ship Cruising, where I mentioned the mechanically awesome man-made phenomenon that is the river lock. Today, I experienced yet another travel industry moment of serendipity, while reading Jaunted (I could get used to these). These guys posted a video documenting the ship-passing process through the Panama Canal Miraflores Locks. Check … Continue reading

5 Cool Destinations for the Restless at Heart

If you’re a travel addict, like me, then you too are always looking for your next fix. Example: I planned my Thanksgiving ’12 trip to Iceland before I left for my December ’11 trip to Thailand (correction: before I even did any itinerary-planning for Thailand). It’s sort of an unhealthy obsession that is sustained by … Continue reading